Sunday, August 6, 2017

Math or Reading? A Poll

So I will preface this entry with the acknowledgement that this is a math focused blog. If you have read any of my posts you know I am passionate about teaching math. I often am given a hard time about my enthusiasm for math, and I find that working in an elementary school, I am surrounded by A LOT of resources to ensure kids are successful in literacy, but not as much in math.  I know that I believe that math instruction is just as important as reading, but wondering what you all think?

A study completed by the National Center for Education Statistics completed a study on the number of hours spent, on average, per week on core curriculum in elementary schools. The results are interesting:
retrieved from -

For anyone who has never worked in an elementary school, I will tell you that these numbers are quite accurate. Here is a GREAT article from that discusses why math is as important as literacy in elementary and preschool education. 

So, what do you think?

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